Stack Development

Our Work

Hi, we’re Stack Development. We write software, build interactive installations, and help turn good ideas into products people enjoy using.


We're a full-stack development shop, with expertise across a variety of technologies, including Swift / Objective-C, Rails, Javascript, and Unity.


If you're not quite ready to build, we offer consulting services ranging from ideation to code review to product design.

Past Clients

Stack Development

Award-winning mobile app for Google Think event series.  

Stack Development

Asset class investment visualization tool for iPad.  

Stack Development

Dynamic media player for Nexus One Site Takeover campaign.  

Stack Development

Modular portfolio framework for multimedia CMS.  

Stack Development

Variety of iOS-based applications.  

Stack Development

Video sharing interface for Google Search Stories.  

Stack Development

Custom iPad app for high-priority internal communication.

Stack Development

Interactive microsites for flagship LG handsets.

(And a bunch more we can't talk about.)

Past Clients

Stack Development

Award-winning mobile app for Google Think event series.  

Stack Development

Asset class investment visualization tool for iPad.  

Stack Development

Dynamic media player for Nexus One Site Takeover campaign.  

Stack Development

Modular portfolio framework for multimedia CMS.  

Stack Development

Variety of iOS-based applications.  

Stack Development

Video sharing interface for Google Search Stories.  

Stack Development

Custom iPad app for high-priority internal communication.

Stack Development

Interactive microsites for flagship LG handsets.

(And a bunch more we can't talk about.)

Contact Us

We're always looking for exciting new projects. Drop us a line if you have something in mind or just want to talk.